Avoid getting in a cross-fire by going with these 7 Cross-Browser Testing Tools

schema1Bustling day and night to see that your application is not having enough compatibility is not a very good experience. Because, in each browser the client component requests may differ accordingly; also, how these requests are processed on server side will also vary. Any application which will be single browser ready deals with such cross-compatibility issues. And, every developer gets to see this once in a while, but not anymore. Because, following 7 cross-browser testing tools promise to provide a better experience for developer community.

Browser Testing Tools, Simplifying the Approach

    • Browsershots– A free, open-source web application, browsershots allows testing of all the websites in one place. It carries a simple procedure, when a developer inputs the web address; each computer with different browser runs this application on their system. The result will be sent to the centralized server for analysis.

Also, one of the other benefit is, the JavaScript issues can also be evaluated.

  • Browser Sandbox– Only for Window users, that is what Browser Sandbox tells. Firefox, IE, Firefox Mobile, Chromium Canary, Firefox Nightly, Opera, Safari, yes, it supports all these browsers but only their latest versions. Well, another drawback is even though you can opt for older versions it is not for free.
  • IE Testers– There are few testers under this block, Netrenderer, Microsoft Edge, and, My Debugbar. Under Netrenderer, you are allowed to check from IE 5.5 to 11 and designers who are associated with Apple Mac and Linux will be best benefited from this.Microsoft Edge– A replacement for IE, Microsoft Edge is light in weight and comes with a layout engine built around its web standards. Since Microsoft Edge is succeeding IE, the former will provide more support and facilities than the latter. One of best part this tool is, it offers screen shots of the site in various browsers as well as mobile devices.

    My Debugbar – A free platform, My Debugbar is also known as IETester. Even though it is a 60MB desktop app, it operates only on Windows.

  • Webshot by Mobile Ready– Webshot here provides screenshots of various device and mobile browsers. Webshot is the beta feature of mobileready and is designed for testing of mobile cross-compatibility.
  • Browsera– Have issues with layout, JavaScript, dynamic pages, password-protected pages, scripting languages??? Then go with Browsera and test your entire site.
  • CrossBrowser Testing– With 900 browsers and more than 40 operating systems, CrossBrowser testing tool makes a perfect addition to the developer’s kitty. Also, through Live Testing option, pages can be tested in real-time environment. Screenshots comparisons, local testing, and Selenium tests are some of its eye-popping features.
  • BrowserStack– A perfect option for mobile testing, but, browserstack is also capable of supporting more than 700 desktop browsers. BrowerStack supports local testing, quick screenshots and resolutions from 800×600 to 2048×1536.

Bottom Line, For an Integrated Workflow

Who is the winner??? Let the guessing game begin, because, all the tools are sure to offer reliable services. But still, CrossBrowser Testing tool seems to be an exemplary choice due to its large supporting features.