LinkedIn Paid Campaign Management

LinkedIn, A Business Promoting Platform

linkedin setup and maintenanceThere are several platforms to do marketing paid campaigns but there is one often overlooked platform that can be as effective as rest of the platform. LinkedIn is one of the advertising platforms that is often underestimated when it comes to business advertising. However it can be a great platform considering the number of business links you can find in it. There are several reasons why it is overlooked some people consider at as a point of B2B communication, it also does not boast of a wider audience like Facebook or Twitter. But what makes it enticing is the fact is it is purely based on business links which makes it great platform for business advertising.

The ability to target audience based on business, job title, skills, roles and interests cannot be understated. If you actually follow a LinkedIn profile you can actually find that it has some strong connections that is industry specific and unlike other social media platforms it also presents you with recommendations of business links. Though other platforms provide you with recommendations they would not be industry specific recommendations like LinkedIn.

The major strength of using LinkedIn for business advertising campaigns lies in the ability to target the right audience based on the particular type of business or profile one is looking to target. With a clear view on the intended audience, interests and skills LinkedIn can prove to be a very effective platform in running successful business ad campaigns. Some of the basic requirements to start and run a successful campaign is to have a LinkedIn account, figure out the right type of audience required.

How to Create a LinkedIn Ad?

  1. In the Campaign Manager Page you will be presented with two options. “Create an Ad” or “Sponsor an update”
  2. Click on Create Ad. A page with fields like Campaign name, Ad Language, Media type, Ad destination, , Ad Design, Ad variations will be presented which needs to be filled up.
  3. Once the details are filled out and you proceed to the next page, you will find a lot of advanced details where you can actually target the precise audience you have in mind based on Skills, Job Title, Gender, Age, Companies, and Location.
  4. You will also be able to find “LinkedIn Audience Network” when selected will widen your audience reach.
  5. Once all the required fields are set you will be taken to a page to set the budget. There are two types of models CPC (Cost-per-click) and CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions). CPC works more like the Google Adword with higher the bid higher the ranking position.
  6. Not to run out of clicks if one selects CPC, it is recommended that budget is set to allow maximum number of hits per day as per the budget one is limited to.
  7. Once everything is set click on “Launch Campaign” to launch it. After a quick review process your Ad will be on display for the audience to hit on.