5 Best Web Design Tools for 2017

web design toolsWith right tools come desired results. Web designers have a lot in their hands, the challenges they face in creating a result generating website is surely one hell of a task. One can expect numerous setbacks on running behind the design personas while managing to follow the design strategies.

Even though web designing is all about the aesthetical factors most of the visitors decide their move based on these elements itself!! Yes, how you present your online store counts the most.

Challenges of Web Design

I spoke about it so much and yet, I don’t think it would be sufficient if I leave it like that. But, I will answer to the above query through asking you readers with some questions.

  • Is your website defining the goal and brand of your organization?
  • Is your website synchronizing with third-party applications?
  • Are the potential customers able to access the website across multiple screen and platform?
  • Is your website secure from hackers?
  • User-experience? Well, it will be defined in terms of the popularity I’m sure.

Web design Tools to look for in 2017

True, it is definitely not an easy task altogether if one wants to meet everything in a go. In this post, I’m going to apprise about few web designing tools that will guarantee to make the whole affair less arduous.

  • Guetzli
    • An open source JPEG encoder, but how can this be helpful? This you can relate to the browsing experience. Web page loading is the most important aspect in providing the best user-experience and image optimization comes under that umbrella.
    • Now let us know more about Guetzli. Another feather in the Google’s hat, Guetzli (cookie) allows compressing the JPEG images approximately by 35%.
    • This doesn’t mean that one has to compromise on the compatibility factor with web browsers and other image processing applications.
  • iotaCSS
    • Before actually going deep into this topic let me tell you, this tool is device agnostic, and what do you mean by that? It can be either a software/hardware, and it is the ability of a component to operate in numerous systems without depending on any particular adoption.
    • Comprised of a set of independent modules iotaCSS, is a SASS based OOCSS framework that works a little out-of-box. Built for supporting scalability, this framework is completely responsive, customizable, and design agnostic. With solid architecture, the iotaCSS framework easily allows designing high-scale websites.
  • CodePen Projects
    • Front-end designers and developers worship CodePen.
    • An all-in-one resource hub, an IDE (integrated development environment), web programmers look for this, if you have heard of this then think CodePen as something similar.
    • Under the Codepen, designers can easily build and deploy websites, which allows them to test cases for further up gradations.
  • Launchpad
    • No coding, only designing, Anima gave out a web publishing tool ‘Launchpad for sketch’, which follows this principle. Apart from the fact that this tool doesn’t support dynamic web pages, one can easily build landing pages, static websites, and marketing websites.
    • Directly publish websites from the sketch, and there is more, associate with any analytic tool and monitor the web traffic.
  • React Sketch.app
    • A new open-source library from Airbnb, the React Sketch.app curtails the distance between the designer and front-end developer.
    • With react-sketchapp, one can easily proceed with the designing part through employing real-data.