5 Crucial Components Every Website Homepage Should Have

website homepage componentsDesigning a website, particularly the homepage is one of the crucial actions that require a certain grade of finesse and creativity. Is the website giving your visitors a favorable view of your business? If not, get ready to witness a bleak response from your prospective customers.

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. The Design is how it works.” This quote highlights every value given to a good user-experience design. Search functionality, clear calls-to-action, well there are many that have been made as a checklist that every web designer should follow while building a website.

The Top 5 Essential Website Homepage Elements

  • Brand Identifier-
    • Online branding is one of the crucial elements in defining the success of a website and only a good logo can suffice that purpose. A logo is the symbolic representation of an organization that gives your website a proud statement.
    • From proper color-coordination to an impactful design, if things fall in perfectly then the logo not only defines the relevancy but also stands out with versatility.
  • Social Media Integration-
    • It is one of the major elements to show your presence in the digital market that also provides an effective platform to conduct business. With the majority of population dwelling on handheld devices, particularly social platforms, obviously, their presence makes a huge difference in popularizing the website.
    • Social media marketing has become a driving force in the success of an online business. The word ‘Follow us’ holds a huge power in enabling the website visitors from doing certain kind of actions that can gain you favorable conversion rates.
  • Simple & Clear Navigation-
    • Do not create a maze that will compel the visitors to abandon your website in the middle of a search. Truly, exploring each web page and the categories should be as easy as possible. Accurate navigation titles also demand the same importance. The best example for parallax scrolling is single page website that allows accessing information with a simple scroll.
    • Call-to-action buttons, standard style navigation bars, well your website must showcase every one of those elements that will retain the people from abandoning your website.
  • Contact Information-
    • A way of validating your website, yes, and the contact information is again one of the central communication element that enables the potential customers to trust you.
    • Also, one should know that contact info is one of the crucial elements for initializing a business. Whether you place it on a home page or the contact us page, a professional add-on will be there to back you.
  • Onsite Search Bar-
    • A very simple element Nah, but what if someone fails to add that in a website? Don’t think because I’m sure that all hell will break loose. Any random product how would you expect your visitor to find it?
    • Just think a search engine without a search box!!! Surely how can people even find your website? It’s a very decent and simple principle, which I hope you don’t find difficult to implement for your website.