How Website Designing Affects Conversion Rate Optimization?

conversion rate optimizationIf you are a website designer, then you will be equally responsible as a digital marketer in optimizing the conversion rate. Certainly, few may not agree with those words, but it’s a fact that website designs do influence the way a business website performs in terms of sales and revenue.

Remarkable website design may promise a good amount of traffic, but the influx will be pointless unless the conversion goal is not met.

Calculation of Website Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is defined by,

Number of desired actions/Number of total visitors to that page X 100

If you are new to these terms, a simpler definition would suffice.

The conversion rate is defined by the action performed by the number of people on your website, maybe in terms of filling out a form, downloading an app, subscribing, joining the email list, still better, purchasing a product.

The Website Design Factors

    • I’ll go with a simple word, how about readability?
    • Any customer/ random visitor who lands on your website should not feel confused or overwhelmed on the first encounter. The website should be easy to understand given in terms of both content as well as website design layout.
    • A good design promises great business as it visually as well as emotionally connects with the audience. The design aesthetics hence play a major role.
    • Design aesthetics, so what are the elements that come under?
      • – The UI patterns, the designing of the navigation menu.
      • – The color theory and contrast psychology.
      • – Arrangement/placing of website elements.
      • – Utilization of white space.
    • Nowadays, you can hardly find people playing around the desktops; ultimately if your website is designed for such demographics, your website will apparently start losing its web presence.
    • Website designers today should make responsive technology as their default choice. The word ‘choice’ hardly carries the weight around the term ‘default’.
    • Why should a website be built on Responsive Technology?
      • – 70% of mobile searches result in an online action within an interval of time of one hour.
      • – 67% of online shoppers prefer purchasing from mobile websites over the desktop ones.
      • – On designing the website for mobile devices and tablets, organizations witnessed 62% and 64% growth in their sales rate respectively (Source: go-gulf)
    • Not having responsive websites can greatly impact the conversion funnel.
    • What is CTA?
    • Visit any website and you will find some elements that commonly appear. For instance, you may encounter vibrant buttons with short texts, ‘subscribe to the newsletter’, ‘sign up’, and much more.
    • Incorporating CTA buttons is very crucial; web designers should make sure that the CTA buttons is optimized for every device out there. A randomly placed CTA button will not encourage users to perform conversion actions but generates the results otherwise.
    • What factors should the web designers keep in mind while designing a call-to-action button?
      • – The device screen size.
      • – The size and position of the button.
      • – Simple and digestible terms for buttons.
      • – The color coordination between the button and web page elements.
      • – The logical placement.
    • You can overlook the CTA factor unless you do not want good conversion numbers.
    • ‘Speed kills’, it’s true in any context, but here, having slow loading website can actually kill your conversion numbers and of course, the business. Also, the load time is one of the significant Google ranking factors.
    • How to clip off mounting seconds?
      • – Optimize images.
      • – Perform GZIP compression.
      • – Minify the JavaScript code for smaller file sizes.
      • – Eliminate unused components of .js libraries.
      • – Utilize JavaScript content delivery network.