A Look into Various Artificial Intelligence Implementations in Web Development

Artificial Intelligence Implementations in Web Development

The ability of programs to self-reprogram and work beyond rules engines brings a convergence of higher end processing. The cognitive computing capabilities of programs have increased to a level where it is now possible for complex processes to work unattended and with minimal human intervention. Most of the use cases in AI solutions were designed for repetitive tasks that were integrated with various other processes. However, spectacular advances have brought AI into the realm of web development unleashing capabilities.

Here is a quick look at some of the various use cases of AI in web development and its impact in the domain.

Analytics – customer behavior: Success in analytics is all about the critical thinking ability and not just access to data. The deluge of data will remain meaningless information, if processes are unable to decipher the data to make sense and distill insights/information. This requires extensive work that is virtually impossible for routine processes to accomplish given the amount of data and ever increasing parameters. With AI, it is now possible to unearth insights and accurately segment customer behavior that can be harnessed for targeted marketing.

Purchase recommendations: Ecommerce/online retail has helped customers make quick purchase decisions through comparisons and recommendations. For instance, a customer who has purchased paint of a particular variety now receives purchase recommendations for the best roller. AI enabled purchase recommendations and suggestions have transformed the experience of users of websites.

Search algorithms: With the amount of information and websites available online, it is hard to imagine search that is not facilitated by AI. Based on the multiple criteria searches are more focused and offer the most relevant results. This has helped web development immensely as users are now directed to sites that match most or all of the criteria.

Advanced AI for web development: Web development involves the time-consuming process of converting designs into HTML. With AI, it is now possible to covert designs into HTML, thereby negotiating the tedious process of transforming deigns into HTML markup.

Personalization and AI powered chat-bots: Digital has created higher expectations of personalization. Users now expect businesses to offer a greater customized and personalized experience. This is now possible thanks to the amount of data that AI can process, discard, and filter to come up with just the right kind of information required by the user. This enhances customer experience taking interactions to a new level, which includes AI powered chat-bots that presently handle the first level of online interaction for a large number of websites and businesses all through the year, beyond work hours with optimized efficiency.